[Neuropostdocs] Phil Haydon

Christian Beaulé cbeaule at mac.com
Thu Jul 8 16:30:07 CDT 2004

Hi everyone,

Phil Haydon, our #1 speaker is on vacation until the end of july 
(according to his automatic e-mail reply). I'm reluctant to wait for 
his return to see if he can make it for the fall semester, time is 
running short. I propose that we upgrade him to the winter seminar 
series, for which most of the dates are available, and invite someone 
else for the fall.

I will ask our #2 Larry Young if he can make it, and then go down the 
list until someone agrees. Personally, I feel that it would be too bad 
if Dr. Haydon didn't come because the schedule isn't convenient for 

Let me know if you have any objections,


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