[Neuropostdocs] NRSA

Gene Robinson generobi@life.uiuc.edu
Wed, 28 Aug 2002 17:26:20 -0500

Congratulations to Jeremy Smalling who recently won an NIH NRSA Predoctoral 
Fellowship.  He's of course not the only student or postdoc in NSP to have 
distinguished himself in this way, but students contemplating this 
prestigious path should feel free to ask him for the secrets of his 
success, at an upcoming seminar or better yet, at the retreat.

Gene Robinson

Gene E. Robinson
Professor, Department of Entomology
Director, Neuroscience Program
University of Illinois
505 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL  61801
Tel. 217-265-0309
Fax 217-244-3499
Website: http://www.life.uiuc.edu/robinson/