[Neuropostdocs] NSP Postdoc Breakfast 1/22 @ 8 am: Dr. Alexa Veenema

Michael Dulas mrdulas at illinois.edu
Fri Jan 18 14:04:17 CST 2019

Hi all,

Hope everyone's semesters are starting out well! On January 22nd we have
our first NSP speaker of the semester, Dr. Alexa H. Veenema, from Michigan
State University. Her talk is entitled "Function of sex differences in the
brain for social behavior: Insights from vasopressin and oxytocin".

Her lab researches the neural basis of social behavior, focusing on the
roles of neuropeptides (e.g. vasopressin and oxytocin) in rats and mice
using behavioral, molecular, biochemical, genetic, chemogenetic, and
pharmacological techniques.

If you are interested in meeting Dr. Veenema and chatting with her over
breakfast @ Courier Cafe on 1/22 at 8am, please let me know!

For those of you who may be new to the list or who haven't attended
breakfasts before, the postdoc breakfast is designed to allow 5-6 postdocs
to meet with the speaker over breakfast and is a great opportunity to talk
about their work as well as get insight into the world of science, both
with regards to data/theory as well as job search advice, etc. Your meal
will be paid for (within reason) by the department. The breakfasts are
always Tuesdays at 8 am @ The Courier Cafe, unless there isn't a speaker,
or the speaker is also from UIUC. To attend, please just send me an email
indicating your interest by the Monday night before the breakfast so I know
whom to expect! If you have any other questions let me know!

-Michael Dulas
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