[Neuropostdocs] Job Workshop

Christian Beaulé cbeaule at mac.com
Mon Oct 31 15:53:23 CST 2005

Good day,

This is an update on the planned workshop on how to successfully go 
through the job search process.

I have a tentative date of Wednesday December 14th from 1:30-3:30 pm. I 
want to know if there are any major conflicts with postdoc's schedules. 
Please let me know.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to convince someone from the industry to 
come before the holiday break. We might want to consider having an 
"industry" workshop in the spring.

People who have agreed to be the "featured guests" are:

Dr. Stephanie Ceman
Dr. Joshua Gulley
Dr. Phil Newmark
Dr. Martha U. Gillette
Dr. Gene Robinson

This lineup of guest is quite impressive and I'm convinced that the 
event will be a success.

I will let you know the finale date, time and location once it is known.


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