[Neuropostdocs] Re: Student Speaker's Bureau

Bill Greenough wgreenou at uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 28 18:13:11 CDT 2005

I would like to nominate my most advanced student, Aaron Grossman, 
for the Student Speaker's Bureau (a great idea, by the way). Aaron 
has given a variety of talks to groups ranging from highly 
specialized scientists to undergraduates. He has a good sense of how 
to approach each level and is an excellent speaker. Let me know if 
you need more details. (If postdocs are added, I would add Julie 
Markham to the list.)

At 1:27 PM -0500 10/28/05, Gene Robinson wrote:
>Dear Faculty and Students,
>We are starting a new program, the Student Speaker's Bureau.  The 
>main purpose of this program is to give our senior students a chance 
>to get some speaking experience and feel the thrill of presenting 
>their work to an interested audience.  We also intend to structure 
>the program so that NSP can reap some recruiting benefits.  For that 
>reason, we'll initiate the program with students, rather than also 
>including our NSP postdocs. 
>We are making arrangements with institutions within driving distance 
>of campus who have primarily or exclusively an undergraduate 
>mission.  We will ask the institutions that want one of our speakers 
>to also schedule time (separate from the talk) for students 
>interested in neuroscience graduate school to hear from our 
>"ambassadors" about neuroscience at Illinois.  We expect that the 
>host institutions will compensate our students for mileage and other 
>The Executive Committee decided that a good way to ensure that we 
>are best represented is to have faculty nominate students for this. 
>Please email a brief nomination to Sam by 15 November.  Your 
>nomination can be short--we're basically going to take you at your 
>word that the student you nominate is ready to represent us at 
>another institution.  If we have many more nominations than speaking 
>venues we will: 1) immediately try to increase the number of venues 
>and 2) select the students with the strongest nominations.
>Looking forward to launching this program!
>Thanks for your cooperation,
>Gene E. Robinson
>G. William Arends Professor of Integrative Biology
>Director, Neuroscience Program
>Chair, Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity Theme,
>Institute for Genomic Biology
>Department of Entomology
>University of Illinois
>505 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL  61801
>Tel. 217-265-0309   Fax 217-244-3499
>Website:  http://www.life.uiuc.edu/robinson/
>Nspfac mailing list
>Nspfac at life.uiuc.edu


William T. Greenough		wgreenou at uiuc.edu
Swanlund and Center for Advanced Study Professor of Psychology, 
Psychiatry and Cell and Structural Biology
Director, Center for Advanced Study
Co-Chair, Biological Intelligence Research Theme,
NeuroTech Group
Beckman Institute
University of Illinois		voice: (217) 333-4472
405 N. Mathews			FAX: (217) 244-5180
Urbana, IL 61801

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