[Neuropostdocs] Bar Crawl '05

Jonathan House jlhouse at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 14 14:28:07 CDT 2005

NSP Students and Postdocs,
The time is approaching, the weekend looming... and we're all looking 
forward to the NSO bar crawl! Here's the information you'll need:

This Saturday (April 16, 2005) starting at 8PM!! We're meeting at 
Murphy's Pub. 
Roughly 30 people have alrady bought t-shirts so we're expecting a big 

  1) Murphy's		8 PM		10 PM
  2) Legends		10 PM		11 PM
  3) Joe's		11 PM		12:30 AM
  4) White Horse		12:30 AM	1:30 AM
  5) Brothers		1:30 AM		'TILL CLOSE

That's the basic information, but here's the details...

It's a bar "crawl" so the idea is to walk (early in the night) or crawl 
(late in the night) from bar to bar. Parking around campus town is a 
little tricky, so if you live close enough then walk; otherwise, a 
designated driver is a good idea. You can park in the meters near Green 
street overnight so if you and a group wanted to carpool there and take 
a cab back home that should be possible.

We're officially kicking off at 8PM at Murphy's (see below for bar 
locations). So everyone wear their new bar shirts (kudos to Chris, 
Nyla, Molly, and Lily for designing/distributing them) and get ready to 
party. We're staying longest at Murphy's so people can down a couple 
drinks before we get to bar crawling. If people need to come late, use 
the schedule above to get a sense of where we'll be. Molly may have a 
few additional shirts for sale, so email her if you want one 
(mhkent2 at uiuc.edu).

This is a bar crawl, so the idea is to goto and drink from as many bars 
as possible. Since everyone's going to be having fun, people may want 
to "stay a little longer here" instead of moving to the next bar. THAT 
WILL NOT HAPPEN. We're going to call out the time every 15 min and make 
sure that we keep crawling from bar to bar. To give you an idea of 
what's on the list... Murphy's is a great hang-out bar and a good 
location for people to meet and get started partying. Legends is 
similar and it should give us some practice walking before we start 
crawling. At Joe's we should be feeling good and be ready for some 
serious dancing. White Horse should let us cool down by sitting 
outside, drinking some pitchers. And Brother's should let the die-hards 
drink $2 you-call-'ems until we really are crawling.

There will be no cover at any of the bars (Joe's will waive cover if 
you're wearing the bar-crawl shirt and are part of our group). 
Unfortunately, we couldn't reserve space at any of the bars without 
shelling out additional money. But, each of these bars is large enough 
that I don't foresee a problem. We will probably need to recheck ID's 
at each bar so make sure you bring them. I will see what I can do about 
getting us through the lines as a group, but I can make no promises 
yet. The drink specials for the bars are:
Murphy's - $6.50 domestic pitchers, $2 Linnie's bottles, $3.75 double 
Bacardi or Beman drinks
Legends - $ 2.50 Miller Light bottles/drafts, $2 Tequila rose shots, $4 
double Absolute shots
Joe's - don't know.
White Horse - $5 double Vodka drinks, %5.25 Coors light pitchers, $2.25 
Brothers - don't know

Obviously we want no-one drinking and driving, so let me offer some 
suggestions about getting home. 1) Call a cab. I'll have the numbers of 
a few cab companies with me and the price is not bad if you split it 
with someone else going your way. 2) Get a designated driver. If you 
know someone who is going to be sober, offer them a favor in return for 
a ride. 3) Walk. I only recommend this to people who live close-by and 
are comfortable walking home. Whichever way, try and plan it out ahead 
of time so you can enjoy the bar crawl and not worry about how you're 
getting home. If anyone has problems finding a way home, I can help 

The locations of the bars are as follows (if you stay with the group, 
you only need to know how to get to Murphy's since we'll go as a group 
to the others):

Murphy's - NE corner of 6th and Green next to the Busey Bank
Legend - NW corner of 6th and Green next to the large parking lot
Joe's - just south of 5th and Green (about 50 yard south of the 
White Horse - N side of Green between 1st and 2nd street
Brothers - S side of Green between Wright and 6th

If you have any questions or comments please let me know (jlhouse at uiuc.
edu or call at 417-1617). I'm looking forward to a great time!


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