[Neuropostdocs] Speakers for next year

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Christian_Beaul=E9?= cbeaule@mac.com
Fri, 11 Jun 2004 08:59:07 -0500

Good morning fellow postdocs!

In case you were not aware of this yet, Gene Robinson asked me to 
continue the good work initiated by Ricardo last year in organizing NSP 
postdocs events. And the first one is to decide which speakers we will 
invite next year!

Yes, you heard (or read...) right, I said speakers! The good news is 
that we are allowed to invite one speaker per semester! I suggest that 
we take this opportunity to be as creative as possible in our choices 
and invite two wildly different speakers!

I think that the format introduced last year by Ricardo for the 
selection process was a great one. Think about speakers that you would 
like to invite (and the reasons why), send me their names by e-mail, 
with a link to their lab webpage. I will assemble them in a package and 
send it back your way. We will then meet and have a "furious debate" 
and finally agree on two speakers to invite!

I give you until june 27 to submit the names of your champions! After 
that, we will meet and decide, at least for the fall speaker. We 
wouldn't want to miss our chance because all the seminar spots are 

It's brainstorming time!


P.S. Pass this e-mail along to NSP postdocs that might not be on the 
e-mail list... and tell them to join the list!

Christian Beaulé, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Cell and Structural Biology
B107 Chemical and Life Sciences Laboratory
601 South Goodwin Avenue
Urbana, IL, 61801. USA
Work Phone: (217) 244-1842
Work Fax: (217) 333-4651
"Mais on ne fait pas d'erreurs... On dit qu'on ne fait que la vie"
-Daniel Bélanger