[Neuropostdocs] FW: Two postdocs available in the Mackie lab in Bloomington, Indiana

Pregent, Stephanie Ann spregent at illinois.edu
Wed May 12 14:30:24 CDT 2021

From: Mackie, Ken <kmackie at indiana.edu<mailto:kmackie at indiana.edu>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 10:09 AM
To: Mackie, Ken <kmackie at indiana.edu<mailto:kmackie at indiana.edu>>
Subject: Two postdocs available in the Mackie lab in Bloomington, Indiana

Dear Colleague,
  I have two post-doc openings in my lab.  I'm looking for excellent, creative scientists who enjoy working in a collaborative fashion on questions in cannabinoid bioology.  I would appreciate if you could share the announcement below with potential postdocs.

Best regards,


Postdocs in cannabinoid biology

Two post-doctoral positions are available in the Mackie lab in the Gill Center<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gillcenter.indiana.edu/about-us/index.html__;!!DZ3fjg!q1PwLShCGs7dpUiWNnbzBcNJfy_-9bXYDfPd7JXW9Nwux8uvpZCNO_v3kwMeq-Zu4A$> at Indiana University, Bloomington.  The first position involves studying the effects of phytocannabinoids on the developing nervous system in collaboration with Hui-Chen Lu's lab (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.lulaboratory.com/__;!!DZ3fjg!uVBtFMWP1bGAFRreGhHB_xOw8O0M1Pdc_Lq3yK8XQ_MFCMldz70VmX577v5yWkqs7FMlrZLlV-4$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.lulaboratory.com/__;!!DZ3fjg!q1PwLShCGs7dpUiWNnbzBcNJfy_-9bXYDfPd7JXW9Nwux8uvpZCNO_v3kwOr8PkuvA$> ), while the second position involves studying aspects of cannabinoid-mediated G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling.  Techniques used in the first position include mouse behavior, conditional transgenics, conventional and super resolution microscopy and patch clamp electrophysiology.  Techniques used in the second position include high throughput GPCR signaling assays (primarily light-based), native and over expression cell systems, site-directed mutagenesis, and mouse behavior.  Both positions are NIH-supported.  The Mackie Lab has a long-standing interest in understanding the role of the endogenous cannabinoid system in biology, the impacts of major and minor phytocannabinoids on the body, and how both of these may be used to therapeutic benefit.  Our lab is highly collaborative, both locally and around the World.

Bloomington, Indiana is the quintessential midwestern college town, with a vibrant music and culinary culture, easy access to outdoor recreation, a modest cost of living, low stress environment, and excellent family amenities.

Salary follows NIH scale.  If interested, please send a cover letter describing your professional goals, CV, and the names of three references to Ken Mackie (kmackie at iu.edu<mailto:kmackie at iu.edu>).

Ken Mackie, MD
Linda and Jack Gill Chair of Neuroscience
and Distinguished Professor
Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences
Indiana University
702 N Walnut Grove Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405-2204
812-855-2042 (PH)
812-856-7187 (FAX)

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