[Neuropostdocs] Brain Awareness Week

Sarah London slondon at igb.uiuc.edu
Mon Apr 17 15:05:43 CDT 2006

Hey Neuropostdocs-

Brain Awareness Day is fast approaching.  It is this Sunday, April 23.  Our 
booth is basically a comparative neuroanatomy booth with sections from the 
various animals that we work with (stay tuned for individual emails in case 
we need to beg for some of your slides...), with microscopes to view, some 
playdoh to recreate brains, etc..  The event itself is 1-5pm Sunday.  We 
could use help to set up, clean up and of course from 1-5 to actually talk 
to the kids/parents.  I don't expect anyone to stay the whole time (though 
I won't be turning anyone down, either!), but if you could swing either 
helping before or after, or for ~2 hours between 1-5 that would be 
awesome.  Just let me or Renee (rcountry at uiuc.edu) know and we will sign 
you up!


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