[Neuropostdocs] Breakfast with Dr. Catherine Woolley

Christian Beaulé cbeaule at mac.com
Thu Sep 8 13:58:13 CDT 2005

Good day everyone,

Next week's NSP seminar speaker is Dr. Catherine Woolley, from 
Northwestern University, hosted by Drs Korol and George. The title of 
her talk is: " Estrogen and Synapses in the Hippocampus".

Unfortunately, I will not be able to host this breakfast, I have prior 
commitments. I am asking for a volunteer postdoc to host breakfast. If 
no one volunteers, we will have to cancel this one.

Please let me know if you can host. It involves picking up the speaker 
from the hotel, and escorting her to her first meeting appointment 
after breakfast.


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