[Neuropostdocs] SfN Night

Gene Robinson generobi at life.uiuc.edu
Wed Nov 2 14:56:58 CST 2005

SfN Night was a great success!  Thanks to Sam for organizing the entire 
event; our students and postdocs for presenting their excellent posters; 
Bill for his recounting Martha's inspiring story of success; Essie for his 
warm (I'm tempted to say hot...) recollections; and Martha for being such a 
gracious and inspiring honoree (and we now understand how hard that is for 
a gal from Nebraska...).  Lastly, thanks to Bill, Martha, Sam and other 
unnamed co-conspirators for the shocking, but much appreciated, fuss they 
made over me.  It is truly a pleasure to work with all of you.  And my 
12-year-old, green with envy, promises to show me how to use the iPod...

Best of luck to everyone going to SfN!


Gene E. Robinson
G. William Arends Professor of Integrative Biology
Director, Neuroscience Program
Chair, Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity Theme,
Institute for Genomic Biology
Department of Entomology
University of Illinois
505 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL  61801
Tel. 217-265-0309   Fax 217-244-3499
Website: http://www.life.uiuc.edu/robinson/  
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